By Nicole Barnett
April 26, 2020
Details are here: Highlights: A 10% wage subsidy is available for any wages paid between March 18th and June 20th, to a maximum of $1,375 per employee and $25,000 per employer To calculate: If you have 5 employees earning monthly salaries of $4,100 for a total monthly payroll of $20,500, the subsidy would be 10% of $20,500, or $2,050. To claim the subsidy: Reduce your payroll remittances by the amount of the calculated subsidy in the first remittance period that includes wages paid between March 18th and June 20th. So, for a regular remitter, the remittances due April 15 will be reduced by the amount of the subsidy. The subsidy does not need to be used to reduce remittances immediately. You can pay full remittances now and then request the calculated subsidy be paid out to you at the end of the year or applied to next year's remittances. To report the subsidy: CRA has not yet released info on how to report the subsidy calculation or amount. This is expected in the near future. The subsidy will be considered taxable income to your business in the year it is received. The team at Insight LLP is committed to helping our business clients access and understand the latest information on the ever-changing Covid-19 situation. Please contact us directly with any questions specific to your business needs at 403-524-4878 or via email.The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.